Grass roots struggles show the way – Resistance Bulletin #161
20 October 2016Posted by W
The Autumn 2016 12 page issue of our free paper Resistance is out in print at the London Anarchist bookfair this month but you can download it right now. Let us know what you think of it.

Organise! magazine Issue 87 Winter 2016
20 October 2016Posted by W
The Winter 2016 issue of Organise! magazine is available in print or as a free download. See the full contents list and read the editorial online.

Misogyny in Politics: It’s not Trump, it’s Trotskyists
13 October 2016Posted by W
The Anarchist Federation was amongst others organising AFem2014, a series of events and activities by anarcha-feminists two years ago. Its organisers recently signed a the letter Stand Up To Racism: Stand Up To Rape Culture highlighting the problem of sharing a platform with the Socialist Workers Party in the organisation ‘Stand Up To Racism’.

No Borders, No States, No Wars! – Resistance Bulletin #160
16 September 2016Posted by W
NO BORDERS! NO STATES! NO WARS! is a special 160th dition of the AF’s paper Resistance on the theme of migration. This issue contains articles about action against detention centres, anti-racist action, migrant/refugee support centres, experiences from Greece, AF’s pre-Brexit viewpoint, and more.

Organise! magazine Issue 86 Summer 2016
16 September 2016Posted by W
The Summer 2016 edition of the Anarchist Federation’s magazine Organise! is available as a free download or in print.

The Working Class Needs Who?
14 October 2015Posted by AFed
An examination of whether anarchists should join the IWW in order to undertake their workplace agitation.

AFed at the Belfast & London Bookfairs
8 October 2015Posted by AFed
A run-down of our stalls and talks at two upcoming bookfairs.

Introducing Federalism & Free Association
9 September 2015Posted by AFed
An introduction to the ideas of federalism and free association. These provide a way or ordering the world that anarchists promote as an alternative to the current hierarchies we live under.

London Calling: London AF Talks on Soundcloud
30 June 2015Posted by AFed
Recordings from the London Anarchist Federation discussion group.

Our politics and what a group actually does
26 June 2015Posted by AFed
One of our London members was asked to introduce the Anarchist Federation some months ago at an open workshop. What follows are the expanded and…
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