May Day 2021 arrests in Turkey
3 May 2021Posted by W
A message in English from our brave comrades in Turkey in the DAF (Devrimci Anarşist Federasyon) after May Day 2021 actions in two cities, referencing…

The War in Syria is Growing (Suriye’deki Savaş Büyüyor)
9 March 2020Posted by W
See also: Joint anarchist statement of DAF (Turkey) and APO (Greece) Original article in multiple languages by DAF (Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet, Revolutionary Anarchist Action, Turkey),…

Turkish Tourist Industry Targetted in Bristol
28 October 2019Posted by Bristol AFed
As Turkish State continues its bloody incursion into northern Syria/Rojava, and following in the wake of last week’s demos (see link: Bristol Rises Up for…

Bristol Rises Up for Rojava
16 October 2019Posted by Bristol AFed
On Sunday 13th October members of Bristol Anarchist Federation joined with between 200 and 300 others, to demonstrate against the Turkish State’s invasion of Rojava,…

Chase the Arms Dealers – Join us on March 28th
27 February 2019Posted by AFed
The DPRTE arms fair pulls together the UK military, weapon manufacturers, and arms dealers and exporters. Not only does it support our own military industrial…

Organise! magazine issue 88 Summer 2017
11 June 2017Posted by W
Organise! magazine issue 88 Summer 2017 was out in print in May and is now free to download. Special issue on prisons, plus much more.

Solidarity demo arrestees in Turkey – started hunger strike in custody on 24th May 2017 – now released
26 May 2017Posted by W
Report about comrades arrested on a solidarity demo who were on hunger strike in Turkey since May 24th, 2017, but were released a few days later. The demo was in support of 2 academics who are themselves on hunger strike due to their sacking after the post-coup decree ordered by Erdogan. Photo is of protests following sackings in Feb 2017.

Anarsist Kadinlar – Anarchist Women of Turkey
7 March 2017Posted by W
Anarchists in countries where International Women’s Day is celebrated (March 8th) actively point out its hypocrisy under Capitalism. The March issue of the Turkish anarchist newspaper Meydan is being published by anarchist women. They asked women anarchists internationally for contributions in support of this. AF’s gender-oppressed caucus wrote this statement.

15 October 2015Posted by AFed
A Statement from Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (Revolutionary Anarchist Action in Turkey) on the bombing a meeting of the labour movement in Ankara on Saturday 10th of October.

WE ARE WINNING: assessment of Taksim actions by Revolutionist Anarchist Action / Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF) in Meydan Newspaper – 12-June-2013
13 June 2013Posted by AFed
WE ARE WINNING Assessment of actions in Taksim Square/Gezi Park, Istanbul, Turkey. Article by Revolutionist Anarchist Action / Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF) in Meydan Newspaper. 12th…
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