Austerity & Debt: An interview with Kim from Critisticuffs
19 September 2015Posted by AFed
Austerity is something we are constantly hearing about. It is discussed by everyone from Tories and right-wingers through to those on the Left. We were lucky enough to catch up with Kim from Critisticuffs to find out more about their insightful analysis and critique of common thinking about austerity.

Introducing Federalism & Free Association
9 September 2015Posted by AFed
An introduction to the ideas of federalism and free association. These provide a way or ordering the world that anarchists promote as an alternative to the current hierarchies we live under.

Deleuze and Guattari – An Investment for Combat
5 September 2015Posted by AFed
An article attempting to present a handful of Deleuze and Guattari’s bewildering array of concepts in more accessible language, and making them of use in our activities today.

Mortar Volume 3 – Available now!
3 July 2015Posted by AFed
From Canadian Anarchist Communists Common Cause: The third volume of Mortar, Common Cause’s theoretical journal, is now available online. Inside you will find an editorial…

Our politics and what a group actually does
26 June 2015Posted by AFed
One of our London members was asked to introduce the Anarchist Federation some months ago at an open workshop. What follows are the expanded and…
![[REPOST] Communism: The real movement to abolish disability](http://afed.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/disability-460x140.jpg)
[REPOST] Communism: The real movement to abolish disability
22 June 2015Posted by AFed
From LibCom.org: It is easy to see how the phrase ‘to each according to their needs’ will abolish an aspect of disability. If we produce…

Freedom ‘last ever’ edition – AF contribution about IFA, social anarchist International
3 October 2014Posted by AFed
The following article appears [in slightly edited form] as the AF’s contribution to the last printed issue of Freedom newpaper, October 2014. Please note that…

1914-2014 The Great War Continues
28 June 2014Posted by AFed
“Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” Edmund Burke As the threat of war looms in Eastern Europe echoing the threat of…

Public talks on Bakunin to mark his bi-centenary
14 June 2014Posted by AFed
Four public talks will take place in UK to mark the bi-centenary of the birth of anarchist revolutionary Mikhail Bakunin. We hope you can make…

Anarchists and the Workplace (London Meeting)
25 May 2014Posted by AFed
Come to a meeting organised by the London group of the Anarchist Federation! Thursday 12th June 2014. Anarchists and the workplace How do we organise…
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