Cops’ lame attempt to prevent dissent
8 February 2020Posted by W
Recently, you may have noticed that ‘Counter Terrorism Policing’ decided that the AF is enough of a threat to include our logo in their guide,…

Climate Struggle is Class Struggle: Anti-Capitalist Demo Call Out – London – 15th April
8 April 2019Posted by W
The Green Anti-Capitalist Front is a new movement supported by radical groups and individuals across London and the UK which aims to support the surge…

Capitalism is Killing the Earth – An Anarchist Guide to Ecology
19 October 2018Posted by AFed
Our attempt to help forge a more effective environmental movement. One capable of saving the planet before capitalism finishes destroying it. It builds on our collective experiences fighting against the destruction of the natural world, as well as reading and research.

Carbon Games: The fossil fuel divestment campaign
29 August 2015Posted by AFed
An short analysis of the global campaign to stop investment in fossil fuel extraction and use.

Grow Heathrow Under Eviction!
8 July 2015Posted by AFed
EMERGENCY: An attempt to evict Grow Heathrow is taking place at the momet. They need people there ASAP. Spread the word to all. Postcode UB7…

Ebola – capitalism’s war against humanity
14 October 2014Posted by AFed
The Ebola catastrophe that threatens to be the next deadly pandemic is entirely unleashed by capitalism and will be a holocaust against the poor. It…

The Fire Next Time?
25 May 2014Posted by AFed
Here is another article text from Organise!, the twice-yearly magazine of the Anarchist Federation. For print copies to order online or to download the entire…

Blog archive of interesting articles (2009 onwards)
2 April 2013Posted by AFed
Read AF recent views and discussion articles relating to Austerity, Education, Welfare, Anarchafeminism, LGBTQ, Anti-racism, Environment. See our blog for additional articles on war, prisons…

Climate Camp and Us – a perspective paper
30 August 2009Posted by AFed
A perspective paper produced by members of the Anarchist Federation within climate camp 2009.
At the 2008 Climate Camp in Kingsnorth an open letter was circulated by anti-capitalist campers raising concerns that the movement was increasingly being by influenced state-led approaches to tackling climate change. A more developed version was later published by Shift magazine. The original argued broadly that the camp should adopt anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian principles and objectives.

Meet the Green Boss – climate camp leaflet, discussion, report & paper
26 August 2009Posted by AFed
An AF leaflet for the Camp for Climate Action 2009 events talking place in London and elsewhere can now be downloaded or viewed online. We also introduced a discussion at the London camp on the Friday, Making our workplaces Red, Black and Green. Read on for details, a report summarising the discussions had & a new perspective paper by AF members who participated in the camp.
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