Thousands take to the streets in Greece
29 June 2011Posted by AFed
Thousands of people have been occupying public squares in Greece to protest the government’s continuing austerity drive. Syntagma Square, in front of the parliament building,…

UK Unmasked and the New Kids on the Bloc
6 May 2011Posted by AFed
UK Unmasked and the New Kids on the Bloc
Analysis by a member of the Anarchist Federation on the “March for the Alternative” (March 26th 2011) and the political trends expressed within it, especially UK Uncut and the Black Bloc, in relation to the growing anti-cuts movement in the UK. From Organise! 76 – Summer 2011 (forthcoming issue).

Feeder March info for March 26th from Freedom Newspaper, and legal info
25 March 2011Posted by AFed
Feeder Marches Freedom have produced a useful guide to the many ‘feeder march’ starting points and Convergence Space for Saturday 26th ‘March for the Alternative’…

Radical Workers Bloc On The March For The Alternative
9 March 2011Posted by AFed
On Saturday 26th March the Trades Union Congress has called for a march against the cuts, and there is going to be a South London feeder march starting at Kennington Park which we will be joining. South London is one of the areas to be hardest hit by the cuts and has seen some of the most inspiring resistance to their implementation with the storming and occupying of town halls, the occupying of libraries and university buildings along with large demonstrations and regular small actions. Anarchists have played a key role in these struggles arguing that we fight the cuts based on the principles of solidarity, direct action, and self-organisation. We are calling on anarchists, libertarian communists and militant workers from across the country who agree with these principles to join us on the demonstration to provide a visible presence and a revolutionary alternative to the reformism of the TUC.
See also, leaflet: Everything we’ve won: they want it back (March 2011)

Radical Worker Bloc on 26th March 2011
5 March 2011Posted by AFed
STATEMENT ON CALL OUTS FOR A RADICAL WORKERS’ BLOCK ON 26 March 2011. As part the working class fight back against the ConDem government and…

The students are revolting – report on the occupation of Millbank Tower – 10th November 2010
11 November 2010Posted by AFed
Yesterday (10/11/2010) saw one of the largest and most vibrant protests in London in recent history. Over 50,000 education workers and students took to the capital not only to protest against the rise in tuition fees but reforms in education in general and to protest for a fairer, free higher education system. The Anarchist Federation was among them forming a “radical workers’ and students’ bloc” which, along with London Solidarity Federation, argued that capitalism is the cause of this crisis, that the Left and the union leaders cannot be trusted to fight our battles (a point NUS president Aaaron Porter later so aptly demonstrated) and that we need united, grassroots direct action as part of a sustained fightback.
Contrary to the corporate media commentaries, a significant portion of the march also involved itself in the property destruction and occupation at Millbank tower, home to the Conservative Party HQ. Direct action was not limited to this either, with the London School of Economics going into occupation shortly after the end of the protest, a sit-down protest in Parliament Square and some limited property destruction at Liberal Democrat HQ. Students and education workers have not only demonstrated their anger at the wave of attacks in store for a whole generation of young people, but their lack of faith in parliamentary democracy and the need to take the struggle into their own hands.

Radical Workers’ and Students’ Bloc on Education March – London – 10th November 2010
4 November 2010Posted by AFed
Radical Workers’ and Students’ Bloc on Education March – London – 10th November 2010http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=125398030849617 Meet at 11am at Horse Guards Avenue, SW1. [Map] [Download poster…

Radical Workers Bloc on Anti-Cuts March – London – 23rd October 2010
5 October 2010Posted by AFed
Radical Workers Bloc on Anti-Cuts March – London – 23rd October 2010Called by South London Solidarity Federation. Email: southlondonsf (at) solfed.org.ukMeet at 11am outside RMT head…

Anti-NATO welcoming committee mass demo in Edinburgh – Friday 13th November 2009
19 October 2009Posted by AFed
An anti-NATO organising committee is organising a mass anti-militarist demonstration in Edinburgh on Friday 13th November 2009 to coincide with start of a meeting of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly there on…

London Anarchist Bookfair and Anti-War demonstration in London, Saturday 24th October 2009
9 October 2009Posted by AFed
London Anarchist Bookfair 2009 Saturday 24th October 2009, 10am-7pm The venue for this year’s London Anarchist Bookfair is the same as for the last two…
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