Our range of pamphlets look to introduce or expand upon certain aspects of anarchist communist history or ideas with an eye towards developing new practice.

You can get your hands on physical copies by ordering online from Dog Section Press, Active Distribution, AKUK and Freedom Press, or by asking at your local radical book shop or social centre! If you want to get multiple copies to distribute, or can’t order through the online shops for any reason, contact us directly and we’ll sort you out.


A Short Introduction to Anarchist Communism

Added 1 January 2015

A Short Introduction to Anarchist CommunismThe Anarchist Federation is an organisation of revolutionary class struggle anarchists. We aim for the abolition of all hierarchy, and work for the creation of a world-wide classless society: anarchist communism.

This pamphlet will give a short introduction to anarchist communism and how we think we can get there.

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The Role of the Revolutionary Organisation

Added 1 January 2015

The role of the revolutionary organisation front coverWe in the Anarchist Federation seek the abolition of capitalism and state in favour of bringing about a society based on the guiding principle ‘From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.’ This is anarchist communism. In order to achieve this we need a revolutionary organisation to undertake a certain role as part of the working class.

This pamphlet will explain why.

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Added 1 January 2015

Work front coverWe live in a society where the activities we engage in for most of our life are not based on being useful to society or fulfilling to ourselves, but are based upon getting money to have our needs met. Our work is the driving force behind capitalism. The activities we’re required to perform are either detrimental to society or have their full worth undermined by the drive for profits.

This pamphlet will explain why we must abolish work.

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