New Rebel City out now!

New Rebel City out now!

9 January 2017
Posted by AFed

Read London AF’s 12-page paper Rebel City online. The latest issue No. 5 is hot pff the press and back issues are all free to download. Print copies are also available from London AF or can be found in local radical bookshops and social centres.

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Organise! magazine Issue 85 Winter 2015

Organise! magazine Issue 85 Winter 2015

28 October 2015
Posted by AFed

Organise issue 85 cover imageMAKE SPACE FOR RESISTANCE Fighting for our environment, struggling against nationalism & reformism, understanding the workings of austerity PLUS analysis, reviews, our regular culture feature, and much more.

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Still Angry not Apathetic - Resistance Bulletin #159

Still Angry not Apathetic – Resistance Bulletin #159

5 October 2015
Posted by AFed

cover of Resistance Bulletin 159 Autumn 2015 STILL ANGRY NOT APATHETIC POST-ELECTION SPECIAL ISSUEPOST-ELECTION SPECIAL ISSUE: This issue contains reports of people fighting along side refugees and asylum seekers, winning against their dodgy landlords, and acting in solidarity with people sleeping rough. All this is being done without the wet blanket that is Jeremy Corbyn or the hope-filled lies of political parties.

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Organise! magazine Issue 84 Summer 2015

Organise! magazine Issue 84 Summer 2015

23 April 2015
Posted by AFed

Organise issue 84 cover imageWHOEVER IS ELECTED CAPITALISM WINS. Pre-election contents: Cities public housing and social cleansing, Anti-cuts movement analysis, Analysis of war arenas including Libya and Middle East, Kurdish struggle in Rojava, Election balls, Suffragettes & Sylvia Pankhurst on Parliament, Report from AFem 2014, plus culture, reviews and obituary.

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