Report from Shutdown Dungavel
7 November 2015Posted by AFed
We Will Rise held a protest at Dungavel Detention Centre and sent us a report on the action.
Six Reasons the Higher Education Green Paper Sucks
6 November 2015Posted by AFed
The Higher Education green paper came out today and it’s fucking catastrophic for anyone wanting to learn. Here are six reasons why:
Organise! magazine Issue 85 Winter 2015
28 October 2015Posted by AFed
MAKE SPACE FOR RESISTANCE Fighting for our environment, struggling against nationalism & reformism, understanding the workings of austerity PLUS analysis, reviews, our regular culture feature, and much more.
Fighting Scum Landlords with Bristol SolNet
25 October 2015Posted by AFed
A report on the way in which Bristol Solidarity Network has been taking on landlords to win repairs, deposits, and more.
Book Review: Communal Luxury
21 October 2015Posted by AFed
There was keen anticipation for this book’s release and the author does succeed in presenting many of the positive aspects of the Paris Commune. However, this work suffers from gaping factual errors, poor analysis of events, and an inaccessible writing style that too often gets in the way of a clear account of what were the best lessons from the Paris Commune of 1871.
Cuban Anarchism Reborn – Speaking Tour
19 October 2015Posted by AFed
We have organised a speaking tour with a member of the Taller Libertario Alfredo Lopez (TLAL) from Havana. They are part of the newly formed Anarchist Federation of the Caribbean.
No place to run: control of space by capital and the State
17 October 2015Posted by AFed
An examination of how capital, with the State’s support, is seeking to control all aspects of city life such that every inch of ground is a source of profit for someone.
15 October 2015Posted by AFed
A Statement from Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (Revolutionary Anarchist Action in Turkey) on the bombing a meeting of the labour movement in Ankara on Saturday 10th of October.
The Working Class Needs Who?
14 October 2015Posted by AFed
An examination of whether anarchists should join the IWW in order to undertake their workplace agitation.
Calais: A Call to Action
11 October 2015Posted by AFed
Working class solidarity has sprung up across the UK in solidarity with migrants stranded in Calais by the government’s border policy.
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