The SNP, Scottish Nationalism, and the Class Struggle: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
4 October 2015Posted by AFed
An analysis of the effects of the Scottish independence referendum on class struggle in Scotland.

Resisting the raids – London fights back
22 August 2015Posted by AFed
“So the cops broke into our place at about four o’clock one morning, burst into me and my girlfriend’s room, and one of them turned…

Second Swindon Radical Bookfair
18 August 2015Posted by AFed
Saturday 19th September, 11am – 4pm, Central Community Centre, Emlyn Square, SN1 5BP.

Housing: Wealth for the rich, a burden for the working class
17 August 2015Posted by AFed
A place to live is a one of the most basic human needs. Unfortunately, housing is now being used to make money at the expense of the working class. This article looks at the causes and the growing resistance to this trend.
![[Repost] Nazis Sent Packing – as fash forced to hide in left luggage for their own safety](http://afed.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/inthesea-470x140.jpg)
[Repost] Nazis Sent Packing – as fash forced to hide in left luggage for their own safety
16 August 2015Posted by AFed
A report on the counter-mobilisation by the AFN against National Action’s ‘White Man March’ in Liverpool.

Shite Man March
16 August 2015Posted by AFed
Neo-Nazi shitehawks National Action had declared that August the 15th 2015 would be “the day your grandchildren remember as Nation Action made history”. The reality was a resounding success for the Anti-Fascist Network.

JC’s not our Saviour (but lefties say he is)
15 August 2015Posted by AFed
Many on the left are talking up Jeremy Corbyn’s attempt to become leader. This piece argues that we shouldn’t be taken in by yet another entry in the long line of ‘new hopes of the left’.

Critical Mass TO CALAIS! : Bikes Beyond Borders
1 August 2015Posted by AFed
Help with the logistics or even join in this August bank holiday weekend with a little trip cycling across the channel: Critical Mass to Calais, taking bikes beyond borders!

Boycott your graduation ceremony if you really care about the class divide
22 July 2015Posted by AFed
A submission to our site examining the spectacle of the university gradation ceremony, and a reply by one of our members.

Communications Blockade vs Slum Landlord (21/07/2015)
21 July 2015Posted by AFed
Help take action against a slum landlord today!
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