Organise! magazine of the Anarchist Federation – issue 95 – Winter 2021/22
2 December 2021Posted by W
Organise! 95 is out for Winter 2021/22. To get full colour glossy print copies delivered to you consider subscribing. Alternatively you can get individual copies…

Cops’ lame attempt to prevent dissent
8 February 2020Posted by W
Recently, you may have noticed that ‘Counter Terrorism Policing’ decided that the AF is enough of a threat to include our logo in their guide,…

Organise! magazine issue 92 – Winter 2019
25 December 2019Posted by W
Issue 92 is now available for free download. See contents list below and visit organisemagazine.org.uk to find information about this issue including online articles and…

London GAF Target Oil & Money
16 October 2019Posted by London AFed
On the second day of Extinction Rebellion’s ‘October Rebellion’, GAF (Green Anticapitalist Front) organised a noise demonstration outside the Oil and Money conference taking place…

In depth Interview With Earth Strike
13 September 2019Posted by AFed
Issue 92 of our magazine Organise! is currently with the printers – and will be in the hands of readers within a week. In the…

Anarchist Federation Back Earth Strike
3 September 2019Posted by AFed
On the 20th of September, around the world, hundreds of organisations are coming together under the banner of Earth Strike to hold a general strike…

Too Many of Whom?
20 May 2019Posted by AFed
This pamphlet, Too Many of Whom? Too Much of What? was produced by No One Is Illegal, back in 2010. At the time there were…

Climate Struggle is Class Struggle: Anti-Capitalist Demo Call Out – London – 15th April
8 April 2019Posted by W
The Green Anti-Capitalist Front is a new movement supported by radical groups and individuals across London and the UK which aims to support the surge…

Climate School Strikes – an anarchist analysis from Cardiff
21 March 2019Posted by W
Across the Planet, thousands of students and children have participated in a series of protests and marches against the role of the world’s governments in…

Capitalism is Killing the Earth – An Anarchist Guide to Ecology
19 October 2018Posted by AFed
Our attempt to help forge a more effective environmental movement. One capable of saving the planet before capitalism finishes destroying it. It builds on our collective experiences fighting against the destruction of the natural world, as well as reading and research.
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