Organise! magazine of the Anarchist Federation – issue 95 – Winter 2021/22
2 December 2021Posted by W
Organise! 95 is out for Winter 2021/22. To get full colour glossy print copies delivered to you consider subscribing. Alternatively you can get individual copies…

Organise Magazine Issue 93 – WINTER 2020
23 November 2020Posted by W
A lovely new 88 page issue of our magazine Organise! #93 is now available for purchase or free PDF download. A screen-reader page turning version…

Organise! magazine issue 89 Winter 2017
31 October 2017Posted by W
Organise! magazine issue 89 Winter 2017 “WE WANT A REVOLUTION … NOW!” was out in print at the London Anarchist Bookfair in October. Print copies…

Organise! magazine issue 88 Summer 2017
11 June 2017Posted by W
Organise! magazine issue 88 Summer 2017 was out in print in May and is now free to download. Special issue on prisons, plus much more.

Book Review: Communal Luxury
21 October 2015Posted by AFed
There was keen anticipation for this book’s release and the author does succeed in presenting many of the positive aspects of the Paris Commune. However, this work suffers from gaping factual errors, poor analysis of events, and an inaccessible writing style that too often gets in the way of a clear account of what were the best lessons from the Paris Commune of 1871.

Build gardens not prisons
7 October 2015Posted by AFed
A look at this year’s Reclaim the Fields action, building opposition to the Wrexham Mega-prison and linking up different struggles in the region.

Book Review: Franco’s Crypt
16 September 2015Posted by AFed
While offering some interesting points, this book makes some odd decisions in terms of which topics to discuss and seems to deliberately attempt to downplay anarchist and radical influence upon Spanish culture.

Book Review: Underground Passages
20 August 2015Posted by AFed
A review of this staggeringly encyclopaedic and comprehensive book, that not only covers culture in most of its forms but also breaks out of Eurocentric preoccupations and includes China, Japan, Argentina, Brazil and Cuba.

Anarchist Federation report from the 10 year Balkan Anarchist Bookfair, Ljubljana, Slovenia on 24-26 May 2013
31 May 2013Posted by AFed
Here is a report by the Anarchist Federation participants at the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair that took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 24-26 May 2013. See…

For anti-nationalist internationalism! – the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair – May 24th-26th 2013, Ljubljana – Slovenia
18 May 2013Posted by AFed
One last call about next weekend’s Balkan Anarchist Bookfair from our comrades in the Federation for Anarchist Organising, Slovenia, a member organisation of the International…
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