11/11 – a source of pride?
11 November 2018Posted by W
“International conflicts between or within states only have one lesson, and that is those of us with no real stake, workers on both sides, die,…

Mourn the Dead and Fight Like Hell for the Living! – Resistance Bulletin #162
3 September 2017Posted by W
The Autumn 2017 16 page issue of our free paper Resistance is out in print and available for free download.

Grass roots struggles show the way – Resistance Bulletin #161
20 October 2016Posted by W
The Autumn 2016 12 page issue of our free paper Resistance is out in print at the London Anarchist bookfair this month but you can download it right now. Let us know what you think of it.

No Borders, No States, No Wars! – Resistance Bulletin #160
16 September 2016Posted by W
NO BORDERS! NO STATES! NO WARS! is a special 160th dition of the AF’s paper Resistance on the theme of migration. This issue contains articles about action against detention centres, anti-racist action, migrant/refugee support centres, experiences from Greece, AF’s pre-Brexit viewpoint, and more.

Still Angry not Apathetic – Resistance Bulletin #159
5 October 2015Posted by AFed
POST-ELECTION SPECIAL ISSUE: This issue contains reports of people fighting along side refugees and asylum seekers, winning against their dodgy landlords, and acting in solidarity with people sleeping rough. All this is being done without the wet blanket that is Jeremy Corbyn or the hope-filled lies of political parties.

Angry Not Apathetic – Resistance bulletin #158
1 March 2015Posted by AFed
GENERAL ELECTION SPECIAL ISSUE: What anarchists do instead of voting, Labour and the Unions, Lib-dems: a student’s view, Green Party “Tories on Bikes”, Syriza in Greece, Suffragettes, Russell Brand.

ANGRY WOMEN WIN – RESISTANCE bulletin issue #157
3 October 2014Posted by AFed
FEMINIST STRUGGLES SPECIAL ISSUE: Ireland and Spain abortion struggles, Legal battles, Gender and Factory Resistance in China, Women & LGBTQIA in Ukraine, Free Women of Spain – Mujeres Libres 1930s. Sexual harassment at work, Transgender tipping point, Angry Women of Liverpool, Single mothers fight social cleansing in East London.

Against War – Resistance bulletin #156
29 April 2014Posted by AFed
WW1 COMMEMORATION SPECIAL ISSUE: 1914-2014 The Great War Continues, WW1 mutinies, Feminism & War, and more. 16 pages. NEW: read article from this issue in Russian.

Resistance bulletin issue 155 November 2013
26 October 2013Posted by AFed
NOVEMBER 2013 RESISTANCE is out. AUSTERITY HITS HOME (economic crisis), Anti-fascist killed in Greece, Food banks, London Day School on Anarchist Communism, Brazilian anarchists, Bangladeshi Clothing Industry strikes, US Anarchist Jailed.

Resistance bulletin issue 154 September/October 2013
21 September 2013Posted by AFed
SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2013 RESISTANCE is out. MASS ARREST at EDL London counter-demo, Anti-fracking action at Balcombe, SeaSol solidarity group success, No borders in Greece, Russian anti-fascist prisoner appeal.
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