Founding statement of the Anarchist Federation of Central America and Caribbean (FACC)
8 April 2015Posted by AFed
Founding statement of the Anarchist Federation of Central America and Caribbean (FACC) [Spanish original below, English translation with minor corrections by AF, Britain] The F.A.C.C….

Getting anarchism organised in the Midlands
1 March 2015Posted by AFed
Things are happening in the Midlands. We’re working on a coordination to bring together AF members and interested persons, mainly in the East Midlands (Notts,…

Angry Not Apathetic – AF’s anti-election campaign is launched
27 February 2015Posted by AFed
‘Angry Not Apathetic’ We are saying this instead of the usual ‘don’t vote, organise’ as it takes the focus away from just ‘not voting’ and…

Freedom ‘last ever’ edition – AF contribution about IFA, social anarchist International
3 October 2014Posted by AFed
The following article appears [in slightly edited form] as the AF’s contribution to the last printed issue of Freedom newpaper, October 2014. Please note that…

Help make AFem2014 accessible and international!
21 June 2014Posted by AFed
AFem2014 will be an anarcha-feminist conference held in London on Sunday, October 19th, 2014. It is being organised by a group of anarcha-feminists of varying genders,…

Help make AFem2014 accessible and international – fund-raising effort launched
21 June 2014Posted by AFed
Note: this already appears at http://afed.org.uk/help-make-afem2014-accessible-and-international-2/ I think this one is safe to delete, might want to set a redirect from this url to other article…

Why Willy Wonka Shouldn’t Win : New Zealand/Aotearoa 2014 elections
29 May 2014Posted by AFed
This article was written by the Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement (AWSM) – an anarcho-communist group in New Zealand/Aotearoa – and sent to us for publication. Though…

Get involved with AFem2014! – message from the last organising meeting
7 May 2014Posted by AFed
Organising for AFem2014: an anarcha-feminist conference in London on Sunday October 19th 2014 Who are we? We are a group of anarcha-feminists of varying genders,…

New Publications April/May 2014
5 May 2014Posted by AFed
We are pleased to announce a special 16-page issue of our paper Resistance (#156) for April 2014 in place of monthly issues from Dec 2013-March…

The Sparrows’ Nest – anarchist library in Nottingham – 2014 catalogue update
20 April 2014Posted by AFed
The Sparrows’ Nest centre for anarchist culture and education in Nottingham has a large library and archive of material by, about & influencing anarchists. Read…
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