Freedom to die?
12 May 2020Posted by W
If you haven’t yet picked up on the latest missive from our reckless Prime Minister and the government’s latest plans, those of us who are…

Government and Covid-19: an ideology of inequality
5 April 2020Posted by W
New! Read in spanish, thanks to FAI: https://ekinarenekinaz.com/2020/04/20/gobierno-y-covid-19-una-ideologia-de-desigualdad/ Three weeks after our article More of the State You’ve Got, the UK government has accepted, as…

Coronavirus and emergency: we don’t forget which side of the barricade we are on – statement by FAI Italy
26 March 2020Posted by W
The following article was written about one week ago by our comrades in the Italian Anarchist Federation (Federazione Anarchica Italiana) and translated by them (original…

More of the state you’ve got (while mutual aid grows to tackle coronavirus)
15 March 2020Posted by W
As various governments leap into action, or not, over the reality of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s evident that the different approaches to containment and delay…

University workers keeping strong in the face of attacks on many fronts
12 March 2020Posted by W
Just at the time that Coronavirus has officially reached pandemic proportions, a good period of strike action of University and College Union (UCU) members is…

The War in Syria is Growing (Suriye’deki Savaş Büyüyor)
9 March 2020Posted by W
See also: Joint anarchist statement of DAF (Turkey) and APO (Greece) Original article in multiple languages by DAF (Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet, Revolutionary Anarchist Action, Turkey),…

Cops’ lame attempt to prevent dissent
8 February 2020Posted by W
Recently, you may have noticed that ‘Counter Terrorism Policing’ decided that the AF is enough of a threat to include our logo in their guide,…

Radio interview with AF about Brexit and more
6 October 2019Posted by W
Anarchist Radio Berlin talked to some comrades from the Anarchist Federation during the IFA Congress in Slovenia in July 2019. The full recording is now…

In depth Interview With Earth Strike
13 September 2019Posted by AFed
Issue 92 of our magazine Organise! is currently with the printers – and will be in the hands of readers within a week. In the…

International of Anarchist Federations 2019 Congress statement on migration
9 September 2019Posted by W
Here is a summary of the work-group on migrations and borders at the eleventh congress of the International of Anarchist Federations 24-28th July 2019, Ljubljana,…
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