Another fine mess
27 November 2020Posted by W
This article is published in Organise! 93 and was written just before the second lockdown in England. As we approach 9 months since the first…

Organise Magazine Issue 93 – WINTER 2020
23 November 2020Posted by W
A lovely new 88 page issue of our magazine Organise! #93 is now available for purchase or free PDF download. A screen-reader page turning version…

Rebellion in Slovenia and Belarus – 2 recent anarchist podcasts
3 September 2020Posted by W
Slovenia Anarchistisches Radio Berlin (A-Radio Berlin) spoke recently to a comrade from the Federation for Anarchist Organizing (FAO) in Slovenia and Croatia. Amongst the topics…

Freedom to die?
12 May 2020Posted by W
If you haven’t yet picked up on the latest missive from our reckless Prime Minister and the government’s latest plans, those of us who are…

Organise! magazine Pandemic special issue – Spring 2020
15 April 2020Posted by W
Due to the pandemic we decided not to print an issue of Organise! but we are publishing one online instead. The current special issue contains…

Government and Covid-19: an ideology of inequality
5 April 2020Posted by W
New! Read in spanish, thanks to FAI: https://ekinarenekinaz.com/2020/04/20/gobierno-y-covid-19-una-ideologia-de-desigualdad/ Three weeks after our article More of the State You’ve Got, the UK government has accepted, as…

Coronavirus and emergency: we don’t forget which side of the barricade we are on – statement by FAI Italy
26 March 2020Posted by W
The following article was written about one week ago by our comrades in the Italian Anarchist Federation (Federazione Anarchica Italiana) and translated by them (original…

More of the state you’ve got (while mutual aid grows to tackle coronavirus)
15 March 2020Posted by W
As various governments leap into action, or not, over the reality of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s evident that the different approaches to containment and delay…

University workers keeping strong in the face of attacks on many fronts
12 March 2020Posted by W
Just at the time that Coronavirus has officially reached pandemic proportions, a good period of strike action of University and College Union (UCU) members is…
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