They say cutback, we say… what?
12 September 2015Posted by AFed
It’s now six years since David Cameron said that a new Tory government would usher in “a new age of austerity.” This article looks at what this means and how groups and communities are fighting back against austerity in ways both more imaginative and more fruitful than a Saturday afternoon march with a speech by Jeremy Corbyn at the end.
Introducing Federalism & Free Association
9 September 2015Posted by AFed
An introduction to the ideas of federalism and free association. These provide a way or ordering the world that anarchists promote as an alternative to the current hierarchies we live under.
[Repost] ABC Belarus on the release of the prisoners and the upcoming elections
6 September 2015Posted by AFed
An English language interview on the recent release of Belarusian anarchist prisoners.
Deleuze and Guattari – An Investment for Combat
5 September 2015Posted by AFed
An article attempting to present a handful of Deleuze and Guattari’s bewildering array of concepts in more accessible language, and making them of use in our activities today.
When the water is safer than the land
2 September 2015Posted by AFed
There is a lot of anti-refugee sentiment about the reasons someone would cross the Mediterranean in the press, but how does it compare to the reasons people are risking their lives and those of family members to flee from Syria and Eritre?
Carbon Games: The fossil fuel divestment campaign
29 August 2015Posted by AFed
An short analysis of the global campaign to stop investment in fossil fuel extraction and use.
Jules Vallès–Child: Student, Revolutionary, Journalist, Novelist
26 August 2015Posted by AFed
A short biography of one of the revolutionaries of the Paris Commune, a writer who’s funeral was attended by 10,000 and the appearance of the coffin greeted by cries of “Long Live the Commune! Long Live the Social Revolution! Long Live Anarchy!”
Resisting the raids – London fights back
22 August 2015Posted by AFed
“So the cops broke into our place at about four o’clock one morning, burst into me and my girlfriend’s room, and one of them turned…
Book Review: Underground Passages
20 August 2015Posted by AFed
A review of this staggeringly encyclopaedic and comprehensive book, that not only covers culture in most of its forms but also breaks out of Eurocentric preoccupations and includes China, Japan, Argentina, Brazil and Cuba.
Second Swindon Radical Bookfair
18 August 2015Posted by AFed
Saturday 19th September, 11am – 4pm, Central Community Centre, Emlyn Square, SN1 5BP.
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