Counting us in, counting us out
28 April 2018Posted by W
The Windrush scandal has only highlighted the brutal and racist nature of state power which is managed by a partnership of public and private institutions….

Repression in Belarus – opposing the ‘social parasite’ tax
31 March 2017Posted by W
Belarus state response to protests against a ‘social parasite’ tax on the employed has resulted in 100s of detentions, including anarchists. This article explains the background of the decree introduced in 2015 and the current events in 2017, and includes an appeal for support from Belarus ABC.

Post-election reflections: how the Tories wrecked the economy and why Labour couldn’t take advantage
1 July 2015Posted by AFed
An Anarchist Federation member gives a breakdown of the current UK economic situation and how no political party can hope to save it.

End of the Social Wage? Radical responses to the Welfare Reform Bill
10 November 2009Posted by AFed
This article was published in the Late 2009 issue #230 of Black Flag magazine, pp. 4-6, with the title ‘Is the war of work lost at long last?’ and was offered here in advance of the No To Welfare Abolition planning meeting on Saturday 14th November 2009 in Manchester. The Welfare Reform Act (2009) got it’s Royal Assent on the 12th.
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