Pride Zine!
7 July 2023Posted by Bristol AFed
You may have noticed the site is a bit quiet of late, probably because post all of our cool news and analysis over on Organise…

Bristol Says Trans Rights
20 June 2022Posted by Bristol AFed
Yesterday Bristolians from many different groups and backgrounds gathered together in response to a call under the slogan #BristolAgainstHate. The call was to oppose known…

Statement of Solidarity with Stop Bzdurom
4 August 2020Posted by AFed
The Anarchist Federation would like to express solidarity with Polish collective Stop Bzdurom (“Stop Bullshit”). Stop Bzdurom is a radical, feminist queer collective based in…

Trans Solidarity, and a TERF Own Goal
8 February 2019Posted by Bristol AFed
Last week following a call for a ‘week of action’ by infamous transphobe ‘Posie Parker’, a group of around a dozen hung banners from a…

Trans Women are our Sisters
25 September 2018Posted by W
At our national Federation Delegate Meeting in September, The Anarchist Federation agreed unanimously to sign a statement “It’s spelt Sisterhood not Cis-terhood” by the group…

AFed Trans Action Faction* statement in response to events at London Anarchist Bookfair 2017
30 October 2017Posted by AFed
Context of the statement: There were anti-trans leaflets put in the toilets at the London Anarchist Bookfair (the leaflets were quickly removed). There was also…
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