Rebel City #7 available for free download
16 October 2017Posted by AFed
The latest issue of London AF group paper Rebel City no. 7 is available to download now.

Because They Were Poor: The Grenfell Fire
17 June 2017Posted by W
This article was written by a member of London AF (who are involved with housing activism in the City as published in Rebel City). Angry…

Rebel City #6 is out – paper of London AF
18 May 2017Posted by W
The latest issue (no. 6, May 2017) of London AF’ s paper is out now can be freely downloaded.

Cuban Anarchism Reborn – Speaking Tour
19 October 2015Posted by AFed
We have organised a speaking tour with a member of the Taller Libertario Alfredo Lopez (TLAL) from Havana. They are part of the newly formed Anarchist Federation of the Caribbean.

No place to run: control of space by capital and the State
17 October 2015Posted by AFed
An examination of how capital, with the State’s support, is seeking to control all aspects of city life such that every inch of ground is a source of profit for someone.

AFed at the Belfast & London Bookfairs
8 October 2015Posted by AFed
A run-down of our stalls and talks at two upcoming bookfairs.

Fuck Your Borders – Migrant Lives Matter!
8 October 2015Posted by AFed
Black Dissidents are working along side the Movement for Justice in order to demand the immediate closure of detentions centres across the UK as well as link up struggles with Calais Migrant Solidarity Camp. This article contains info on how to get involved.

Resisting the raids – London fights back
22 August 2015Posted by AFed
“So the cops broke into our place at about four o’clock one morning, burst into me and my girlfriend’s room, and one of them turned…

Housing: Wealth for the rich, a burden for the working class
17 August 2015Posted by AFed
A place to live is a one of the most basic human needs. Unfortunately, housing is now being used to make money at the expense of the working class. This article looks at the causes and the growing resistance to this trend.

Critical Mass TO CALAIS! : Bikes Beyond Borders
1 August 2015Posted by AFed
Help with the logistics or even join in this August bank holiday weekend with a little trip cycling across the channel: Critical Mass to Calais, taking bikes beyond borders!
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