![[Repost] Nazis Sent Packing – as fash forced to hide in left luggage for their own safety](http://afed.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/inthesea-470x140.jpg)
[Repost] Nazis Sent Packing – as fash forced to hide in left luggage for their own safety
16 August 2015Posted by AFed
A report on the counter-mobilisation by the AFN against National Action’s ‘White Man March’ in Liverpool.

Shite Man March
16 August 2015Posted by AFed
Neo-Nazi shitehawks National Action had declared that August the 15th 2015 would be “the day your grandchildren remember as Nation Action made history”. The reality was a resounding success for the Anti-Fascist Network.

Stop the ‘WHITE MAN MARCH’ in Liverpool
31 July 2015Posted by AFed
Help fund-raise to build opposition to a gathering of fascists in Liverpool.

Your Class Needs You – IWW Speaking Tour
10 July 2015Posted by AFed
The National Secretary of the Industrial Workers of the World, Dave Pike, is undertaking a speaking tour to introduce the fighting union, what it stands for and how it is winning victories for the working class.

7 July 2015Posted by AFed
Wake Up! gatherings, where people are given opportunity to use quality PA on the streets of towns and cities, are mushrooming over the country. But what are they and how can we get involved?
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