cover of Resistance Bulletin 120 March 2009

Resistance bulletin issue 120 March 2010

cover of Resistance Bulletin 120 March 2009

WE ARE NOT FOR SALE!. Edinburgh carers’ victory, Sussex University occupied, European Fire fighters, Detention Centre revolt, UK and internation workplace action, and more.

See also Organise! magazine. Download PDF or read online:

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The Poll Tax and How to Fight It pamphlet front cover


The Poll Tax and How to Fight It front coverThe Poll Tax and How to Fight It was the first of two pamphlets we wrote on the Poll Tax, published around October 1988. It encouraged the rise of mass revolt against the Community Charge as it was happening in Scotland, and as it was poised to be fought and beaten a year later in England and Wales as well.

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cover of Resistance Bulletin 119 February 2009

Resistance bulletin issue 119 Feb 2010

cover of Resistance Bulletin 119 February 2009

STRUGGLE TO SAVE SCHOOLS IN SCOTLAND. English Defense League, Smash EDO, The “big freeze”, FAU union in Germany, Benefits struggles, and more.

See also Organise! magazine. Download PDF or read online:

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