AFED intro to anarcho-communism front cover


AFED intro to anarcho-communism front coverThe Anarchist Federation is an organisation of revolutionary class struggle anarchists. We aim for the abolition of all hierarchy, and work for the creation of a world-wide classless society: anarchist communism.

This pamphlet will introduce what all this means and how we think we can do it.

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cover of Resistance Bulletin 121 April 2009

Resistance bulletin issue 121 April 2010

cover of Resistance Bulletin 121 April 2009

BEAT THE BULLYING BOSSES. BA Strikes, Greece unrest, Public Sector strikes, Royal Mail, US education, Sussex University, Middle east, Anarca-feminist conference, March for Jobs, Chile earthquake, Venezuela,  and more.

See also Organise! magazine. Download PDF or read online:

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