Organise! magazine Issue 84 Summer 2015

Organise! magazine Issue 84 Summer 2015

Organise issue 84 cover imageWHOEVER IS ELECTED CAPITALISM WINS. Pre-election contents: Cities public housing and social cleansing, Anti-cuts movement analysis, Analysis of war arenas including Libya and Middle East, Kurdish struggle in Rojava, Election balls, Suffragettes & Sylvia Pankhurst on Parliament, Report from AFem 2014, plus culture, reviews and obituary.

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Angry Not Apathetic - Resistance bulletin #158

Angry Not Apathetic – Resistance bulletin #158

cover of Resistance Bulletin 158 Spring 2015 ANGRY NOT APATHETIC ELECTION SPECIAL ISSUEGENERAL ELECTION SPECIAL ISSUE: What anarchists do instead of voting, Labour and the Unions, Lib-dems: a student’s view, Green Party “Tories on Bikes”, Syriza in Greece, Suffragettes, Russell Brand.

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Organise issue 83 cover image

Organise! magazine Issue 83 Winter 2014

Organise issue 83 cover imageTHEIR AUSTERITY, THEIR WARS, THEIR REPRESSION … OUR RESISTANCE. Chinese workers’ struggles, Arab Summer, Morocco & Eqypt, new Caribbean Anarchist Federation, Slovenian anarchist interview & Balkan bookfair report, Iceland, French 19th C. silk workers revolt, Frans Maserreel anarchist artist.

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A Short Introduction to Anarchist Communism

A Short Introduction to Anarchist Communism

A Short Introduction to Anarchist CommunismThe Anarchist Federation is an organisation of revolutionary class struggle anarchists. We aim for the abolition of all hierarchy, and work for the creation of a world-wide classless society: anarchist communism.

This pamphlet will give a short introduction to anarchist communism and how we think we can get there.

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The Role of the Revolutionary Organisation

The Role of the Revolutionary Organisation

The role of the revolutionary organisation front coverWe in the Anarchist Federation seek the abolition of capitalism and state in favour of bringing about a society based on the guiding principle ‘From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.’ This is anarchist communism. In order to achieve this we need a revolutionary organisation to undertake a certain role as part of the working class.

This pamphlet will explain why.

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