In depth Interview With Earth Strike
Issue 92 of our magazine Organise! is currently with the printers – and will be in the hands of readers within a week. In the mean time the editorial collective have released their interview with one of the organisers behind Earth Strike in the UK.
A lot of topics are covered (with further references linked to) so you might want to settle down with a cuppa and mull some of it over. The interview looks at Earth Strike’s strategy, the state of the planet, the necessary downfall of capitalism, and the links between environmental struggle, class, patriarchy and colonialism. All that and the Organise! collective offer a chance for Earth Strike to respond to criticisms levelled at them and the wider movement calling for a Global Climate Strike, which were perhaps most notably summed up in an article from Organizing Work (no relation!).
See Also:
Anarchist Federation Endorse Earth Strike
Capitalism is Killing the Earth: An Anarchist Guide to Ecology
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