4 events in Nottingham – anti-fascism in 1930s Spain and rededication of International Brigades’ memorial
29 June 2010Posted by AFed
July 2010 sees a series of events in Nottingham commemorating the anti-fascists’ fight against General Franco’s coup in the Spanish Civil War of the late…

Video – Black Flame talk
23 June 2010Posted by AFed
Michael Schmidt, author of Black Flame, at McMaster University; part 1 of 4 from Common Cause on Vimeo.

Film showing about Jewish anarchists – Brighton 21st June 2010
17 May 2010Posted by AFed
Invitation to a film showing: The Free Voice of Labor: The Jewish Anarchists (Paul Avrich, 1980, Duration 58 mins) Monday 21st June 2010, 7.30pm The…

Anarchist Bookfairs in Bradford 10th April and Sheffield 22nd May 2010
7 April 2010Posted by AFed
Bradford Anarchist Bookfair takes place at the 1in 12 Club Bradford on April 10th: http://yorkshireanarchist.wordpress.com/2010/03/12/bradford-anarchist-bookfair/ The Sheffield Anarchist Book Fair collective is proud to announce Sheffield’s FIRST…

No to Welfare Abolition: second national planning meeting in Manchester, Saturday 17th April 2010
3 April 2010Posted by AFed
No to Welfare Abolition: second national planning meeting – Manchester 17th April Manchester University Students Union, Steve Biko Building, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PR, rooms MR1…

London Education Workers Group, Public Meeting, Thursday 29th April 2010
2 April 2010Posted by AFed
London Education Workers Group-Public Meeting Thursday April 29th at 7pm Education, education, education or Cuts, Cuts, Cuts? Public meeting convened by London Education Workers Group….

Anarcha-Feminist Weekend, Manchester, 10/11th April 2010
2 April 2010Posted by AFed
Anarcha-Feminist Weekend in Manchester – 10th and 11th April 2010 Anarcha-feminists in Manchester, including the Anarchist Federation Women’s Caucus, present two days of discussions, workshops, skill-sharing…

Bulgarian anarchist to speak in Nottingham – Saturday 10th April 2010
2 April 2010Posted by AFed
The next event at The Sparrows’ Nest, Nottingham is on Saturday 10th April which will feature a talk by a visitor from the Bulgarian Anarchist Federation (FAB). Start time 7pm….

Freedom to Organise! – Nottingham – Thursday 25th March
25 March 2010Posted by AFed
Nottingham AF present the Nottingham leg of a national speaking tour Freedom to Organise! by the current secretary of the International Workers’ Association IWA-AIT to…

New discussion group in Sheffield – begins 19th Jan 2010, then 16th Feb
8 January 2010Posted by AFed
Next meeting of discussion group will be on the far right and anti-fascism, from 7pm on Tuesday 16th February at The Rutland Arms, 86 Brown…
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