What’s Wrong with Angry? – LGBTQ Bulletin of the Anarchist Federation – no.2
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) group of the Anarchist Federation has published the second issue of What’s Wrong with Angry.
Articles in Issue no. 2 include: No Safe Haven (LGBTQ asylum seekers), Queer? (definition), Race, Nationalism and Homophobia, Queers against the cuts,
Download PDF: http://www.afed.org.uk/pdfs/afed LGBTQ bulletin Whats wrong with Angry 2.pdf
Issue no.1 is here: Pride special – WHAT’S WRONG WITH ANGRY? [PDF] – Stonewall not StonewallTM, Manchester Pride con, Equality & freedom, Gay marriage, Pathetic BPP, Systematic prejudice, Family Values.
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