Too Many of Whom?
20 May 2019Posted by AFed
This pamphlet, Too Many of Whom? Too Much of What? was produced by No One Is Illegal, back in 2010. At the time there were…

Counting us in, counting us out
28 April 2018Posted by W
The Windrush scandal has only highlighted the brutal and racist nature of state power which is managed by a partnership of public and private institutions….

Solidarity needed in the Calais Jungle
12 January 2016Posted by AFed
Eviction of refugees camped near Calais has begun, with tear gas being used and a call out for on-the-ground solidarity made. If you can get over then now is the time to do so.

Critical Mass TO CALAIS! : Bikes Beyond Borders
1 August 2015Posted by AFed
Help with the logistics or even join in this August bank holiday weekend with a little trip cycling across the channel: Critical Mass to Calais, taking bikes beyond borders!

IFA statement – War is the Health of the State
6 May 2014Posted by AFed
War is the Health of the State International of Anarchist Federations, May 2014: http://i-f-a.org/index.php/statements In today´s world, as in the past, war is a necessity…
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