The War in Syria is Growing (Suriye’deki Savaş Büyüyor)
9 March 2020Posted by W
See also: Joint anarchist statement of DAF (Turkey) and APO (Greece) Original article in multiple languages by DAF (Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet, Revolutionary Anarchist Action, Turkey),…
Radio interview with AF about Brexit and more
6 October 2019Posted by W
Anarchist Radio Berlin talked to some comrades from the Anarchist Federation during the IFA Congress in Slovenia in July 2019. The full recording is now…
No Borders, No States, No Wars! – Resistance Bulletin #160
16 September 2016Posted by W
NO BORDERS! NO STATES! NO WARS! is a special 160th dition of the AF’s paper Resistance on the theme of migration. This issue contains articles about action against detention centres, anti-racist action, migrant/refugee support centres, experiences from Greece, AF’s pre-Brexit viewpoint, and more.
Solidarity needed in the Calais Jungle
12 January 2016Posted by AFed
Eviction of refugees camped near Calais has begun, with tear gas being used and a call out for on-the-ground solidarity made. If you can get over then now is the time to do so.
Report from Shutdown Dungavel
7 November 2015Posted by AFed
We Will Rise held a protest at Dungavel Detention Centre and sent us a report on the action.
Calais: A Call to Action
11 October 2015Posted by AFed
Working class solidarity has sprung up across the UK in solidarity with migrants stranded in Calais by the government’s border policy.
Fuck Your Borders – Migrant Lives Matter!
8 October 2015Posted by AFed
Black Dissidents are working along side the Movement for Justice in order to demand the immediate closure of detentions centres across the UK as well as link up struggles with Calais Migrant Solidarity Camp. This article contains info on how to get involved.
Resisting the raids – London fights back
22 August 2015Posted by AFed
“So the cops broke into our place at about four o’clock one morning, burst into me and my girlfriend’s room, and one of them turned…
Immigration and the election
3 May 2010Posted by AFed
Polls show strong public opposition to immigration, a trend that has coincided with a rise in support for the far-right, in Britain and across Europe. What responsibility do the mainstream parties bear for these developments, what role is immigration playing in the current election, and how should the left address the issue?
London Olympics site – workers without frontiers
3 March 2009Posted by AF
“BRITISH JOBS FOR BRITISH WORKERS” is a slogan that’s become very familiar in the past few months. Energy sector workers across the country have staged wildcat strikes and demonstrations to protest at the fact that workers have been brought in from outside the UK while local people go jobless. Now the protests are spreading to the construction industry. The union Unite is planning pickets and unofficial action at construction sites where foreign workers are employed, and the Olympic site in East London is being highlighted as a high-profile potential target for the campaign.
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