What the Suffragettes did for us (hint: it was more than the vote)
6 February 2018Posted by Bristol AFed
Today marks the one hundredth anniversary of the Representation of the People Act receiving royal ascent. It was the state finally accepting that women were…

Book Review: Underground Passages
20 August 2015Posted by AFed
A review of this staggeringly encyclopaedic and comprehensive book, that not only covers culture in most of its forms but also breaks out of Eurocentric preoccupations and includes China, Japan, Argentina, Brazil and Cuba.

The Myth of 1945
14 July 2015Posted by AFed
While many on the left look back at the 1945-51 Labour Government as a Golden Age, what did the party actually do while in power? And what lessons can we take for today?

New publications from the AF for October 2014
27 April 2015Posted by AFed
We are pleased to announce a 12-page issue of our paper Resistance (#157, ANGRY WOMEN WIN) for October 2014 and we also have a brand…

Freedom ‘last ever’ edition – AF contribution about IFA, social anarchist International
3 October 2014Posted by AFed
The following article appears [in slightly edited form] as the AF’s contribution to the last printed issue of Freedom newpaper, October 2014. Please note that…

1914-2014 The Great War Continues
28 June 2014Posted by AFed
“Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” Edmund Burke As the threat of war looms in Eastern Europe echoing the threat of…

Public talks on Bakunin to mark his bi-centenary
14 June 2014Posted by AFed
Four public talks will take place in UK to mark the bi-centenary of the birth of anarchist revolutionary Mikhail Bakunin. We hope you can make…

Anarchists and the Workplace (London Meeting)
25 May 2014Posted by AFed
Come to a meeting organised by the London group of the Anarchist Federation! Thursday 12th June 2014. Anarchists and the workplace How do we organise…

The Sparrows’ Nest – anarchist library in Nottingham – 2014 catalogue update
20 April 2014Posted by AFed
The Sparrows’ Nest centre for anarchist culture and education in Nottingham has a large library and archive of material by, about & influencing anarchists. Read…

Anarchist biographies on libcom.org
5 July 2013Posted by AFed
Visit http://libcom.org/tags/biographies for a vast number of historical anarchist biographies and autobiographies including that of Séraphine Pajaud, French anarchist and champion of atheism, anti-militarism and…
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