Cuban Anarchism Reborn – Speaking Tour
19 October 2015Posted by AFed
We have organised a speaking tour with a member of the Taller Libertario Alfredo Lopez (TLAL) from Havana. They are part of the newly formed Anarchist Federation of the Caribbean.

Your Class Needs You – IWW Speaking Tour
10 July 2015Posted by AFed
The National Secretary of the Industrial Workers of the World, Dave Pike, is undertaking a speaking tour to introduce the fighting union, what it stands for and how it is winning victories for the working class.
![Repression in Belarus & the Czech Republic [speaking tour]](http://afed.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/czech-470x140.jpg)
Repression in Belarus & the Czech Republic [speaking tour]
22 June 2015Posted by AFed
We are lucky to be able to work along side local Anarchist Black Cross groups to present a speaking tour by comrades from the ABC…

Over 100 attend Greece solidarity demonstration in Edinburgh
2 March 2012Posted by AFed
Despite the freezing weather, and an unexpected snow storm in the middle of the sunny afternoon, over 100 people gathered outside the City Chambers on…

Edinburgh Class Struggle Dayschool – 20th November 2010
8 November 2010Posted by AFed
The Edinburgh Class Struggle Day-school aims to be an open coming together of workers, students and the unemployed from different backgrounds and class struggle political…

Edinburgh speaks (and acts) – Muckraker & local anarchists’ blog
22 January 2010Posted by AFed
These two websites are worth a look. Edinburgh Muckraker (supporting council bin dispute and more):http://edinburghmuckraker.org.uk/ Edinburgh anarchists blog:http://edinburghanarchists.noflag.org.uk/

Anti-NATO welcoming committee mass demo in Edinburgh – Friday 13th November 2009
19 October 2009Posted by AFed
An anti-NATO organising committee is organising a mass anti-militarist demonstration in Edinburgh on Friday 13th November 2009 to coincide with start of a meeting of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly there on…
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