International of Anarchist Federations 2019 Congress statement on migration
9 September 2019Posted by W
Here is a summary of the work-group on migrations and borders at the eleventh congress of the International of Anarchist Federations 24-28th July 2019, Ljubljana,…

Eleventh congress of the International of Anarchist Federations 24-28th July 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia
26 July 2019Posted by W
The 11th IFA congress is taking place this week in the capital city of Slovenia over 5 days, following the last one in Frankfurt in…

IFA journal is published
26 July 2019Posted by W
It’s been a long time since the last joint publication of the International of Anarchist Federations. Co-inciding with the latest 5 day long IFA Congress…

Overview of repressions against anarchists & antifascists in Belarus in 2018 – by Anarchist Black Cross
23 February 2019Posted by W
Every year ABC-Belarus publishes a report about repression of anarchists and antifascists in Belarus. This year they have translated it into English. Here it is….

Against states, nationalism and war! Over 4000 participate in internationalist-antifascist pan-Balkan demonstration in Thessaloniki, Greece
11 March 2018Posted by W
10/03/18 Thessaloniki, Greece. AGAINST STATES, CAPITAL, NATIONALISM AND WAR! Our comrades in Greece, APO-IFA (Αναρχική Πολιτική Οργάνωση – Ομοσπονδία Συλλογικοτήτων), member organisation of the International…

Freedom ‘last ever’ edition – AF contribution about IFA, social anarchist International
3 October 2014Posted by AFed
The following article appears [in slightly edited form] as the AF’s contribution to the last printed issue of Freedom newpaper, October 2014. Please note that…

IFA statement – War is the Health of the State
6 May 2014Posted by AFed
War is the Health of the State International of Anarchist Federations, May 2014: http://i-f-a.org/index.php/statements In today´s world, as in the past, war is a necessity…

IFA anti-Election Text – European Elections
6 May 2014Posted by AFed
IFA anti-Election – European Elections The European elections are taking place in the context of increasing austerity. Every day we are subjected to the effects…

Support for Greek comrades from IFA sections in Italy and Slovenia
19 January 2013Posted by AFed
The following statements are by member organisations of the International of Anarchist Federations (IFA-IAF), http://i-f-a.org See also previous article on AF website: http://www.afed.org.uk/blog/international/332-solidarity-with-the-squatters-of-villa-amalia-reports-from-athens.html FAI. Anarchist…

Call for solidarity with imprisoned comrades from Belarus – IAF-IFA
17 August 2012Posted by AFed
Call for solidarity with imprisoned comrades from Belarus – all welcome. Read statement below, agreed at the IFA Congress in St. Imier, Switzerland, August 2012….
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