Statement of international solidarity with the anarchist movement in Greece
Statement from The International of Anarchist Federations website i-f-a.org
The Commission of Relations of the International of Anarchist Federations (CRIFA) supports the call for international solidarity launched by the comrades of the Anarchist Political Organization (APO – Greece), calling likewise for the international mobilization of all individuals and collectives struggling against state repression and authoritarianism. For anarchy, for the social revolution.
Marseille, November 2nd 2019
La Comisión de Relaciones de la Internacional de Federaciones Anarquistas (CRIFA) apoya a la llamada para solidaridad internacional lanzada por lxs compañerxs de la Organización Política Anarquista (APO-Grecia), llamando igualmente a la movilización internacional de todxs lxs individuos y colectivos que luchan contra la represión del estado y el autoritarismo. Para la anarquía, para la revolución social.
Marsella, 2 noviembre 2019
Since last summer – after the elections of July 7th and the change of political administration- a state repressive campaign is underway in Greece, which, since the very beginning, has targeted the people of the struggle- and especially the anarchist movement – the squats and the self-organized structures of the movement, the refugees and immigrants and social and class resistance in general.
One of the first steps of the new right-wing government was the abolition of the university asylum, the police occupation of the neighborhood of Exarcheia – a neighborhood invested with a quite rich struggling past and present – and the eviction of squats for refugees and the subsequent transportation of hundreds of refugees and immigrants in concentration camps, realizing in this way the anti-immigration policies of the EU, directed towards modern totalitarianism.
This repression campaign is still unfolding, since the danger of further evictions of squats is in sight, while, at the same time, through a series of laws, labor strikes are basically being abolished, the privatization of the basic social needs is promoted and the plundering of nature by multinational corporations in every part of the country is completely liberalized.
On the other side, social, class and political collectives are already attempting to place the first barricades against the anti-social plans of the state and the bosses. The mass demonstration of September 14th, 2019, which was organized by the “NO PASARAN” assembly, has been a first dynamic response against the state’s plans, by thousands of people of the struggle marching the streets, clearly stating that the movement will not retreat before state repression. It will continue fighting in every front, in which state and capitalist attack is unfolding.
Against the repressive attack of the Greek state and its imminent escalation the next period of time, we stand in solidarity with the anarchist movement, the political squats and the squats for immigrants and refugees and the structures of the struggle –from the squats Mundo Nuevo and Libertatia, which is almost fully rebuilt, in Thessaloniki, to the 31 years old squat Lelas Karagianni 37 in Athens, and with all the social and class struggles in Greece.
The promising people’s revolts in Ecuador and Chile, the vigorous resistance in revolutionary Rojava, the continuing mobilizations in Greece, France, Turkey, Palestine, the small and bigger acts of resistance all over the world give us hope and strength and demonstrate that the enemy might be strong but is not invulnerable. Let’s intensify and spread the combative and organized struggle for Social Revolution, for Anarchy!
Original statement: http://apo.squathost.com/statement-of-international-solidarity-with-the-anarchist-movement-in-greece/
List of signatories from IFA federations:
Anarchist Political Organisation (APO)
International of Anarchist Federations relations commission (CRIFA)
Italian Anarchist Federation (CRINT-FAI)
Anarchist Federation (AF), Britain
Federation of Anarchist Organising (FAO), Slovenia/Croatia
Federación Anarquista de México (FAM)
A iniciativa Federalista em Brasil (IFA-Brasil)
Federación Libertaria Argentina (FLA)
Fédération Anarchiste (FA), French-speaking
Federación Anarquista Ibérica (FAI), Spain/Portugal
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