Italian FAI on North Africa uprisings (translation)
By following the tactic of ‘carrot and stick’ the government prepares the liberation of arrested people and set a commission for investigating on abuses. In the same time several army’s groups have been lined up in defence of government buildings in Tunis.
What do the European democratic states do? They just deplore the use of violence and hope in the starting of a “constructive dialogue”. On the other hand the European governments have always supported the Tunisian state. The current president got the power thank to the interested support of the intelligence service and of the Italian government (as revealed in 1999 from the head of Sismi = service for the information and military security) which received several permissions for petrol through Eni and deals for the construction of gas pipelines between Tunisa and Italy. Italy and France are the first partners with Tunisia from the economical point of view and because of this they are very keen that the current ruling class remains at the power given that it is still possible to do great deals for the gas import, semifinished products and delocalization of the production which is good for the home-bred ruling class. It is not a accident that the Italian foreign minister Frattini said that the Tunisian riot has not political features (Could Frattini explain why the money and resources distribution is not political argument? ) and that Tunisia, Algeria and Marocco “guarantee the stability in that area” keeping at bay the Islamic hobgoblin as if this, on the other hand in decline in the maghrebian area, were the reason for the revolution rather than the lack of perspectives for the future of several generations.
It is not by accident that only in the last few days the Italian media have started to call Ben Ali a dictator instead of president and that for many years they have considered Ben Ali despotic and firm but basically straight and artful politician.
After the death of dozens of people the situation changes drastically: the 20th of January
Ben Ali is forced to flee in Saudi Arabia and it is declared that the prime minister will take over the chairmanship appointed by the ex president and that new free elections will follow up within six months.
Tunisian army has settled in the most important cities to guarantee “order“, that is the continuity between the old and the new leadership which is a mixture of groups which had no power during the Ali’s leadership and ex members of the Ali’s leadership.
We hope that this insurrection does not resolve in a mere change of the leadership which the fact does not change anything a part from the name of the tyrant.
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