Organise! magazine Back issues 1-70 (Summer 2008)
15 April 2008Posted by AFed
Issue 70, Summer 2008, PDF format. DON’T SWALLOW THE POISON! AN ANTI-FASCIST SPECIAL. Articles include: Bash the Fash, Fascism & Democracy, Brainwashing, Social Centre history,…

Organise! magazine anti-Poll Tax articles scanned in Issues 14-27 from 1988-1992
16 February 2008Posted by AFed
To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of non-payment of the Poll Tax in England & Wales (following non-registration in 1989 and solid mass non-payment in Scotland), to remember the commitment of community campaigns which helped us support each other in non-payment, and to take inspiration from the great Poll Tax Riot in London on 31th March 1990 and smaller uprisings in many local areas, we present all of the scanned in articles published in Organise! magazine over the period 1988-1992 spanning fourteen issues, Read more for individual links to each article.
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