Organise! magazine Issue 80 Summer 2013
18 April 2013Posted by AFed
THE IRON LADY RUSTS! Anarchy in the Thatcher Years (extended editorial reflecting on the emergence of class struggle anarchism in the 1980s), SWP, Privilege Theory, Organised Safer Space, Repression in Belarus, The Idea of the Commune in Anarchist Practice, Reviews (Platformism in Latin America, El Libertario text, Solfed pamphlet, Haymarket, German exile in revolutionary Spain), Letter about Occupy!

Organise! magazine Issue 79 Winter 2012
21 October 2012Posted by AFed
JUBILYMPICS ANTIDOTE SPECIAL ISSUE. Extended editorial reflecting on the St. Imier gathering, International of Anarchist Federation statements, Prefigurative politics, Anarca-feminism, Snapshots & Legacy of St. Imier, Neither insurrectionism nor Reformism but Anarchism!, Anarchism in Practice, Culture (the first political poster), Review (By Rite), Occupy!, Greece.

Organise! magazine Issue 78 Summer 2012
12 July 2012Posted by AFed
ANARCHISM IS INTERNATIONAL! Extended editorial looking forward to the St. Imier gathering, History and politics of the AF, Anti-austerity struggles in Southern Europe, The far right in Hungary, Anarchists in Cuba, Current situation in Turkey & Syria, Luddites bicentenary, Prostitution positions, Profile of two anarchist illustrators, Letters.

Organise! magazine Issue 77 Winter 2011
14 October 2011Posted by AFed
FROM THEN UNTIL NOW – special anniversary issue, 25 years of the AFED, Local anti-cuts organising, Paris Commune, Mexican Revolution, The Great Unrest 1910-14, Anarchist sculptor HG Brzeska, book review Ghost Dancers, obituary Bob Miller.

Organise! magazine Issue 76 Summer 2011
26 May 2011Posted by AFed
VIOLENCE IN CONTEXT: Extended editorial with analysis on the anti-cuts movement, History of anarchism in Greece, alienation, sabotage, Tunisian revolt, Impact of the Paris Commune, plus Reviews of the latest Books and pamphlets.

Organise! magazine Issue 75 Winter 2010
25 October 2010Posted by AFed
CON-DEMOLITION AND THE BIG SOCIETY: Extended editorial on cuts, ‘Tory cuts’ and The Big Society, Social Enterprises and Voluntary Sector, Voluntary Communism vs. Voluntary Slavery, The United Isle of Absinthe, Welfare Reform latest update and analysis, Austerity & Internationalism, Profile of Stig Dagerman, plus Reviews of the latest Books and pamphlets.

Organise! magazine Issue 74 Summer 2010
4 May 2010Posted by AFed
CASUAL WORK: NOT NICE IF YOU CAN GET IT Youth Revolt in Greece, The Ranters in the English Civil War, Anti-Poll Tax retropective, The Problem with Unions, plus Review of the latest Books and pamphlets. .

Organise! magazine Issue 73 Winter 2009
1 November 2009Posted by AFed
TIME FOR A CHARM OFFENSIVE? Articles include: Policing after the G20 protests, G20 & the New Capitalism, Occupations – a brief history, Anarchist Movement Conference report, China ‘the Harmonious Society’, Surrealism today, Book reviews: Mutual Aid; Anarchism & Homosexuality in the US; Anarchist seeds beneath the Snow. Film review: Fish Tank.

Organise! magazine Issue 72 Summer 2009
30 April 2009Posted by AFed
SEXUALITY AND GENDER SPECIAL. Articles include: Sex trade/work, ‘Gay rights’ business, Neuromyths & neurosexism, Language of Ursula Le Guin novels, Second Life & gender, Anarchism & Art, The Left’s authoritarian messiahs, Harold Thompson obituary & 4 book reviews.

Organise! magazine Issue 71 Winter 2008
15 October 2008Posted by AFed
NO GODS, NO MASTERS – RELIGION SPECIAL ISSUE. Articles include: Is there anybody out there?, Mega-churches, Taliban & Falangists, Fan controlled football clubs, Credit crunch, Oaxaca struggle, The Schlurfs, IAF-IFA congress, John Dos Passos, 3 book reviews.
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