Organise! magazine of the Anarchist Federation – issue 95 – Winter 2021/22
2 December 2021Posted by W
Organise! 95 is out for Winter 2021/22. To get full colour glossy print copies delivered to you consider subscribing. Alternatively you can get individual copies…

An international May Day greeting for 2021
1 May 2021Posted by W
AF note: The following is from the IFA Secretariat who are currently the FAI in Italy (this role rotates amongst the Federations making up the…

Death of Alexandre Skirda – historian and anarchist militant
30 December 2020Posted by W
Translated by the Anarchist Federation from the French language original ‘Décès d’Alexandre Skirda, historien et militant anarchiste’ from Le Monde Libertaire (journal and website of…

Organise Magazine Issue 93 – WINTER 2020
23 November 2020Posted by W
A lovely new 88 page issue of our magazine Organise! #93 is now available for purchase or free PDF download. A screen-reader page turning version…

Queer Liberation — Not Rainbow Capitalism
8 July 2019Posted by AFed
An anarchist critique of London Pride, from London Anarchist Federation This year, Pride in London is doing its best to commemorate fifty years in LGBT+…

Venezuela: confronting the deceits and deceivers
14 March 2019Posted by W
English translation of ‘Venezuela: Frente a los fraudes embaucadores’ https://periodicoellibertario.blogspot.com/2019/02/venezuela-frente-los-fraudes.htmlWritten by El Libertario, Caracas, Venezuela, February 2019. Translated by the Anarchist Federation (Britain) http://www.afed.org.uk [Introductory…

11/11 – a source of pride?
11 November 2018Posted by W
“International conflicts between or within states only have one lesson, and that is those of us with no real stake, workers on both sides, die,…

The hated Eighth Amendment repealed. The Right doesn’t always get to win!
29 May 2018Posted by W
On May 25th 2018 a ballot held in the Republic of Ireland repealed the ‘Eighth Amendment’, which had been added to the Irish constitution in…

Counting us in, counting us out
28 April 2018Posted by W
The Windrush scandal has only highlighted the brutal and racist nature of state power which is managed by a partnership of public and private institutions….
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