The Fire Next Time?
25 May 2014Posted by AFed
Here is another article text from Organise!, the twice-yearly magazine of the Anarchist Federation. For print copies to order online or to download the entire…

IFA statement – War is the Health of the State
6 May 2014Posted by AFed
War is the Health of the State International of Anarchist Federations, May 2014: http://i-f-a.org/index.php/statements In today´s world, as in the past, war is a necessity…

IFA anti-Election Text – European Elections
6 May 2014Posted by AFed
IFA anti-Election – European Elections The European elections are taking place in the context of increasing austerity. Every day we are subjected to the effects…

Autonomy – news and analysis from AF in Scotland
6 April 2014Posted by AFed
Many AF groups produce local publications and in Scotland groups have got together to publish the 4th issue of the newssheet Autonomy. This can be…

Beyond Perfection
23 October 2013Posted by AFed
The following article is published in the Anarchist Federation’s latest Organise! magazine #81, Winter 2013 whose main theme is ASPECTS OF THE FUTURE SOCIETY. Visit…

WE ARE WINNING: assessment of Taksim actions by Revolutionist Anarchist Action / Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF) in Meydan Newspaper – 12-June-2013
13 June 2013Posted by AFed
WE ARE WINNING Assessment of actions in Taksim Square/Gezi Park, Istanbul, Turkey. Article by Revolutionist Anarchist Action / Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF) in Meydan Newspaper. 12th…

We are winning! Taksim Square reports from Revolutionist Anarchist Action (DAF) in Istanbul, Turkey – June 2013
8 June 2013Posted by AFed
Report from Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet DAF – Revolutionist Anarchist Action (DAF): Taksim Revolution/4 June WE ARE WINNING! We have seen the beach beneath the stonesi…

Joint statements, radio and video from the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 24-26 May 2013
31 May 2013Posted by AFed
The 10 year Balkan Anarchist Bookfair took place on May 24th-26th 2013 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Here are three statements created collectively during the bookfair, plus a great internationalist…

International Mayday 2013 reports and statements
8 May 2013Posted by AFed
In case you missed these elsewhere in cyberspace … 1) See this compiled list of 2013 Mayday actions: Global Reports of May Day Actions 2013…

Review of SolFed’s Fighting for Ourselves booklet
24 April 2013Posted by AFed
Since its publication in October of last year, Fighting for Ourselves has been the subject of much discussion and deserved interest in the broad libertarian left, but what does one of out members think of it?
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