Hull: Clashes with Fanatics and Cops
23 October 2024Posted by AFed
This was the first Far Right rally in Hull since the riot on 3rd August in response to the Southport murders. It was partially organised…

Organise 98
23 March 2023Posted by AFed
download organise 98 for free Focuses on life the strike wave, with reports from anarchists and communists across half a dozen trade unions. As well…

Organise 96 PDF Released
22 May 2022Posted by AFed
Organise 96 is out for Summer 2022. To get full colour glossy print copies delivered to you, along with bonus posters and other content, consider…

AFed Statement on Rev
1 January 2022Posted by AFed
Update (18/12/23)We are uploading this statement to our website, to enable us to share it more easily. Note the actual publish date is 18/12/23. It…

Statement of Solidarity with Stop Bzdurom
4 August 2020Posted by AFed
The Anarchist Federation would like to express solidarity with Polish collective Stop Bzdurom (“Stop Bullshit”). Stop Bzdurom is a radical, feminist queer collective based in…

Dear White People at Black Lives Matter Protests
10 June 2020Posted by AFed
Black Lives Matter protests have spread around the world, from major cities, to the kind of small towns that haven’t had any protests in years….

Mutual Aid vs Covid-19 T Shirt Fundraiser
20 March 2020Posted by AFed
Mutual Aid Vs Covid -19 As the global pandemic is upon us, a number of mutual aid groups have started forming across the country. These…

In depth Interview With Earth Strike
13 September 2019Posted by AFed
Issue 92 of our magazine Organise! is currently with the printers – and will be in the hands of readers within a week. In the…

Solidarity Demo for Exarcheia
7 September 2019Posted by AFed
(From the London group) On the 2nd of September we held a solidarity demo outside the Greek embassy, which got about 30 people out on…

Anarchist Federation Back Earth Strike
3 September 2019Posted by AFed
On the 20th of September, around the world, hundreds of organisations are coming together under the banner of Earth Strike to hold a general strike…
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