Freedom to die?
12 May 2020Posted by W
If you haven’t yet picked up on the latest missive from our reckless Prime Minister and the government’s latest plans, those of us who are…
Brexit and workers – what’s the score?
19 November 2018Posted by W
We’ve previously written a few things about the 2016 referendum which led to the process of Britain’s exit from the European Union. As the time…
End of the Social Wage? Radical responses to the Welfare Reform Bill
10 November 2009Posted by AFed
This article was published in the Late 2009 issue #230 of Black Flag magazine, pp. 4-6, with the title ‘Is the war of work lost at long last?’ and was offered here in advance of the No To Welfare Abolition planning meeting on Saturday 14th November 2009 in Manchester. The Welfare Reform Act (2009) got it’s Royal Assent on the 12th.
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