Organise! 96 is out – taster article here – Ukraine, anarchist approaches
22 May 2022Posted by W
This article is from the Anarchist Federation’s Organise! magazine issue 96, Spring/Summer 2022, written 26th April. Also: Read last issue online in full. Support and…

IFA member federation statements and articles on the Ukraine situation
26 February 2022Posted by W
Follow this link for statements and articles on the Ukraine situation by FAI Italia, FAI Iberia, FAS (Sicily) and Federation Anarchiste Francophone (French-speaking) and Anarchists…

The War in Syria is Growing (Suriye’deki Savaş Büyüyor)
9 March 2020Posted by W
See also: Joint anarchist statement of DAF (Turkey) and APO (Greece) Original article in multiple languages by DAF (Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet, Revolutionary Anarchist Action, Turkey),…

1914-2014 The Great War Continues
28 June 2014Posted by AFed
“Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” Edmund Burke As the threat of war looms in Eastern Europe echoing the threat of…

IFA statement – War is the Health of the State
6 May 2014Posted by AFed
War is the Health of the State International of Anarchist Federations, May 2014: http://i-f-a.org/index.php/statements In today´s world, as in the past, war is a necessity…

War on the Streets in Armenia
9 March 2008Posted by AF Eastern European Secretariat
February and March in Armenia saw a disputed presidential election (19/2/2008) followed by eleven days of demonstrations in the capital Yerevan, broken up by tanks, police attacks and the imposition of a State of Emergency (1/3/2008). Eight people, including a child, were killed by police and around 100 were injured including 33 police. An apparently unrelated border fire-fight on 4/3/08 in the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, disputed with neighbouring state of Azerbaijan with whom Armenia is still technically at war, broke a ceasefire agreed in 1994, killing 12 Armenian conscripts.
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