New publications from the AF for October 2014
27 April 2015Posted by AFed
We are pleased to announce a 12-page issue of our paper Resistance (#157, ANGRY WOMEN WIN) for October 2014 and we also have a brand…
New Publications April/May 2014
5 May 2014Posted by AFed
We are pleased to announce a special 16-page issue of our paper Resistance (#156) for April 2014 in place of monthly issues from Dec 2013-March…
Autonomy – news and analysis from AF in Scotland
6 April 2014Posted by AFed
Many AF groups produce local publications and in Scotland groups have got together to publish the 4th issue of the newssheet Autonomy. This can be…
Editorial – What’s in the latest Organise! magazine?
21 October 2013Posted by AFed
The following editorial is published in the Anarchist Federation’s latest Organise! magazine #81, Winter 2013 whose main theme is ASPECTS OF THE FUTURE SOCIETY. Visit…
AF print publications available to order online
21 October 2013Posted by AFed
Here is a reminder to all those who want to order AF publications online you can do so from either Active distribution (London) or AK…
West Country Mutineer – No.3 of anarchist paper – Xmas 2012
21 December 2012Posted by AFed
In case you missed it, Bristol AF and others in the West Country are producing their own anarchist paper. Here is the latest issue to…
AF publications available online from AK Press – Organise! magazine and pamphlets
3 September 2012Posted by AFed
Here is a reminder to all those who want to order AF publications online you can do so from AK Press (who are based in…
Staines anarchists launch new paper – April 2012
16 April 2012Posted by AFed
Visit to see what Staines anarchists are up to and download issue 1 of the Staines Howler. You can also download the paper from Also…
1831 (Issue 04) – Bristol AF news sheet
10 October 2011Posted by AFed
The latest issue of Bristol AFed’s irregular news sheet 1831 is now available. Includes: -Bristol Council’s Plans to close care homes and day-centres for elderly….
Freedom relaunches as monthly paper
2 October 2011Posted by AFed
Freedom newspaper launched in new its monthly format on Oct 1st at an event that took place at Housmans bookshop. The new paper has colour…
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