The European elections and the BNP, an anarchist perspective
18 June 2009Posted by AFed
A few words are necessary in advance. The AF does not have a single perspective on fascism and the way to counter it. We view this as the kind of internal disagreement within libertarian organisations as healthy. There are differences of viewpoint on the nature of fascism, where it comes from, how it comes to power, and what kind of activity should be directed towards it. We published two of these viewpoints in parallel in issue 70 of our magazine Organise!, with one article arguing for militant, direct opposition to fascism and another arguing that fascism is a form of the capitalist state, and the way to counteract state attacks on the working class and ‘undesirable’ sections of it is to build our ability to fight back as a class. Such differences inform the practical activity groups and individual members undertake on a local level.

Why I’m Not Voting
2 June 2009Posted by AFed
It would be an exageration to claim that election fever has hit the country. But as I sit and write this, I’ve just had two near identical leaflets delivered through my mailbox. One has a picture of that nice David Cameron smiling at me, the other the equally lovely Chris Davies beaming out. They come hot on the heals of a beautifully designed, stirringly patriotic piece from the not so nice Nick Griffin. Come June the 4th, though, I along with other class struggle anarchists will make the positive choice of not voting.
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