New publications from the AF for October 2014
27 April 2015Posted by AFed
We are pleased to announce a 12-page issue of our paper Resistance (#157, ANGRY WOMEN WIN) for October 2014 and we also have a brand…

Public talks on Bakunin to mark his bi-centenary
14 June 2014Posted by AFed
Four public talks will take place in UK to mark the bi-centenary of the birth of anarchist revolutionary Mikhail Bakunin. We hope you can make…

2014, the year of Bakunin
24 May 2014Posted by AFed
Here is some information about Bakunin 200 … Update – UK events: http://aflondon.wordpress.com/2014/06/02/bakunin-bicentenary-events/ As part of the bicentennial of the birth of Mikhail Bakunin a…
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