Support for Greek comrades from IFA sections in Italy and Slovenia
The following statements are by member organisations of the International of Anarchist Federations (IFA-IAF), http://i-f-a.org
See also previous article on AF website: http://www.afed.org.uk/blog/international/332-solidarity-with-the-squatters-of-villa-amalia-reports-from-athens.html
FAI. Anarchist Federation (Italy) – 13 January 2013
The National Congress of the FAI, reunited in Milan, expresses its solidarity with the Greek comrades who in recent days have been violently attacked by the police Hellenic. We have seen evacuation of Villa Amalias and Skaramaga, historical squat symbol of the Athenian movement and the arrest of hundreds of solidarity that had reoccupied the building of Villa Amalias.
The anarchist movement in Greece has built up, in recent years, a strong response from the bottom up for the ruthless raid conducted against the workers.
A response made with direct actions, reappropriation of physical spaces, organizing popular assemblies in neighborhoods, self-management in the workplace.
A response that refuses whatever form of delegation that imprison the will to change this system that shows every day, his limitations. A response that has been able to gather around if ‘tens of thousands of people, workers, students, unemployed, Greeks and immigrants, because the fight is all the exploited, whatever their origin. An answer that scares the bosses and the state not only because it shows that there is an alternative to social atomization, alienation and exploitation but that this alternative is needed now more than ever.
It is necessary because it is now clear that the domain of state and capital do nothing but destroy any social relationship that is not mediated by money or by relations of domination. Necessary because the crisis is impoverishing the working classes and the middle classes is nothing more than yet another robbery carried out by those who manage money and power.
The Greeks comrades have been able to build a response to this crime and for this reason they are under attack by the police, who said he wanted to clear all occupations, supported in this by the paramilitary Nazi Golden Dawn. It is no coincidence that in times of crisis and popular mobilizations apparatuses of the state use the low level manpower of the fascists. So it was in Italy in the Red Biennium, so it is in Greece in 2013.
In fact, Greece is not far from the Italian peninsula. Here, too, the state is wiping out the results of a century of labor struggles and popular. Here too the state is attacking the social movements, evacuates the sites occupied, raid against the workers in struggle, shooting tear gas against students, beating up the ones who opposing to environmental devastation and to militarism. For this it is necessary to reject the nationalist vision of the crisis, the one nonsense of monetary sovereignty and national level as response at the Europe of banks, of the anthropological differences that create the crisis, referring to racist’s theses and sad, a distorted vision that will ensure a greater strengthening the mechanisms of discipline and domination of the state and which is expressed in its most complete form, in the sacrifice of the subaltern classes on the altar of nationalist wars.
The struggles of anarchists in Greece are our struggles, our struggles are those of the Greek anarchists. So how are our struggles of those who, throughout the world, oppose to the exploitation classist, racist and sexist, and builds, daily, a society of free and equal.
We invite the whole movement at the maximum possible solidarity.
Milan 13_1_2013
Federation of Anarchist Organising (in Slovenia)
Želja po svobodi je močnejša od vsakega zapora! 13 January 2013
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