Our very popular pamphlet, describing the basic ideas of anarchist communism in an easy-to-read form.
This major second edition looks at the ecological crisis facing us today, what is being done about it and sets out in detail our views on what an ecologically sustainable world would be like.
The fascinating account of Japanese anarchism in the 20th Century, by John Crump. Updated with postscript,
Written in 1953 by George Fontenis, Manifesto of Libertarian Communism is one of the key texts of the anarchist communist current, translated from French manifeste du communisme libertaire. Although flawed, the best features need to be incorporated into modern revolutionary theory and practice.
FIGHTING BACK (Dundee packaging workers occupy), Greece still burning, General strikes in France, Immigration prisons action in Manchester, Rossport ‘Shell-to-Sea’ occupation, Poll Tax revolt anniversary, Obama & Afghanistan, Resisting attacks on claimants, Glasgow school fightback, and more.
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Discussion papers on the politics of the global day of action in financial centres on June 18th 1999.
A series of three articles from the Anarchist Federation’s Organise! magazine, nos. 46, 47 & 48 (published 1997-98).
Just a few links to media from Saturday 28th March ‘Put People First’ march & rally (2009) … Links to Indymedia UK: Photos from the…
Here is the text of the afternoon session of the joint Anarchist Communist Federation/Subversion discussion meeting at Sheffield Red and Black Centre on 7/6/97, presented by Claire and Mike (ACF Nottingham).
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