One Belarus comrade released – solidarity works! – 5 to go
New message about Belarus prisoners – 1 released, 5 to go.
Obviously this may be partly game-playing from the authorities since Pavel is
one who signed for the pardon, but no matter, coming just days after the demos
on 22-23 September 2012 this is a great result. Solidarity works. Until all are free ….
See photos from London, Paris and Rome demos.

London demo 23/9/2012
Under pressure of colony administration he signed petition for pardon this June.
Currently five more people supported by Anarchist Black Cross are in prison: Artsiom Prakapenka, Jauhen Vas’kovich, Ihar Alinievich, Aliaksandar Frantskievich and Mikalai Dziadok. All of them are strongly against petitions for pardon and ready to spend all of the sentence in the prison, rather than asking president for release.
You can express words of solidarity to Pavel and the other by emailing them to belarus_abc [at] riseup.net
London demo 2

Rome demo – 22/9/2012

Rome demo 2

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