Indigenous Mobilisations Rock Ecuador and Colombia
4 November 2009Posted by AFed
Motorways all over Ecuador were blockaded for days in late September as people from indigenous communities all over the country made their way to Quito…

The Anarchist Federation – annual report 2009
21 October 2009Posted by AFed
An abridged version of this report is published in Freedom to coincide with the London Anarchist Bookfair. The report covers a year’s activities up to October 2009.

Leicester AF alive and kicking
2 July 2009Posted by AFed
Thanks to Yahoo scrapping Geocities in October, Leicester AF’s website has moved to http://www.afed.org.uk/leicester Please update your links and if you are in the area,…

Glasgow School Occupied in Defiance of Council Cuts
2 July 2009Posted by AFed

Lindsey strike committee thanks supporters
2 July 2009Posted by AFed
The following was sent to those who supported the Lindsey Oil Refinery (LOR) strike, under the banner of Workers of the World Unite: http://www.afed.org.uk/pdfs/lindsey_support_reply_letter.pdf To…

Lindsey strikes again!!!
27 June 2009Posted by AFed
Thousands of workers across Britain have shown solidarity with construction workers sacked at the Lindsey Oil Refinery (owned by Total – the petroleum and energy supplier) expansion project by taking wildcat, or spontaneous ‘unofficial’, strike action against their bosses. Some may remember the Lindsey Refinery workers from the series of wildcats that took place earlier this year, wildcats which the mainstream media misleadingly portrayed as racist and nationalist due to slogans used by a minority of the workers, despite the fact that foreign workers had come out on strike with their fellow workers, and demanded to help unionise and increase the working conditions of these foreign labourers.

Interview with the newspaper El Libertario (Venezuela)
27 June 2009Posted by AFed
* From Madrid the anarchist group Star, linked to the Iberian Federation of Anarchists Youths (Federación Ibérica de Juventudes Anarquistas-FIJA-), has raised questions whose answers will let us know today and in detail what is doing and saying the known Venezuelan anarchist spokesman.

The European elections and the BNP, an anarchist perspective
18 June 2009Posted by AFed
A few words are necessary in advance. The AF does not have a single perspective on fascism and the way to counter it. We view this as the kind of internal disagreement within libertarian organisations as healthy. There are differences of viewpoint on the nature of fascism, where it comes from, how it comes to power, and what kind of activity should be directed towards it. We published two of these viewpoints in parallel in issue 70 of our magazine Organise!, with one article arguing for militant, direct opposition to fascism and another arguing that fascism is a form of the capitalist state, and the way to counteract state attacks on the working class and ‘undesirable’ sections of it is to build our ability to fight back as a class. Such differences inform the practical activity groups and individual members undertake on a local level.

Cambridge anarchists launch free news sheet
4 June 2009Posted by AFed
The first issue of a new anarchist freesheet The Cambridge Leveller has recently gone to print. It includes news and views about the Stagecoach bus…

MPs and Expenses
21 May 2009Posted by AFed
There’s some thing disgusting about the way the politicians have been fiddling their expenses. It’s not just the abuse of power involved, it’s also the hypocrisy. They’ve spent their time telling us how much we’ve got to tighten our belts, put up with pay freezes and cuts whilst they’ve been merrily sticking their snouts in the trough and putting away as much money as they can get away with. This whole scandal has shown up our political masters for being just what they are, a bunch of greedy, lying crooks.
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