Austria’s EU Presidency, Work and Welfare
23 March 2009Posted by AFed
This is an electronic mail message sent to the Anarchist Commuinist Federation, containing some interesting views concerning the EU and work,including Euromarch. They are interested in discussion with as many groups as possible.

Anarchism Movement Conference 2009
16 March 2009Posted by AFed
Event in London. Saturday & Sunday June 6th/7th, 2009.

Dayshool on the economic crisis -Manchester- 28th March 2009
15 March 2009Posted by AFed
What recession means for us.

AF talk at the Newcastle Green Festival
7 June 2008Posted by AFed
The following is a speech given by a speaker from Sheffield Anarchist Federation for a meeting hosted by the group at Newcastle Green Festival (7th June 2008).
I am sure we will find much agreement with those who join us here today when we say that the ecological crisis that currently faces our planet is a matter of life or death. The human suffering that has the potential to be unleashed (of which we have already seen much) through environmental devastation over the coming decades is truly staggering. It is unquestionable that the time to act is now. But how do we act?
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