Cambridge anarchists launch free news sheet
The first issue of a new anarchist freesheet The Cambridge Leveller has recently gone to print. It includes news and views about the Stagecoach bus “service”, anti-fascism in Cambs, looking back at May Day, beating bailiffs, and the council’s woeful track record on housing and anti-traveller racism.
It can be downloaded here
Cambridge Anarchists includes members of the Anarchist Federation and others.
Other local anarchist news sheets include the AF’s Fargate Speaker (Sheffield) and The Nottingham Sparrow. Other local sheets include the Bath Bomb, The Hereford Heckler & Gagged (South Wales), plus Now or Never (Norwich) is probably the most substantial local paper currently available and this is not even the only anarchist paper in Norwich because there is also The Great Commotion. These are but a few of the local anarchist press offerings, highlighting the importance of DIY media in the anarchist movement.
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