Belfast Anarchist Bookfair 2009 – Saturday 29th August, 12noon-6pm
This is the 3rd of the Belfast bookfairs and a great opportunity to connect with anarchists North and South of the border, with talks and discussions as well as bookstalls. It will take place at the Belfast Unemployed Resource Centre from 12 noon to 6pm on Saturday 29th August 2009.
During the weekend there will also be an exhibition of Abel paz’s photos from the Spanish revolution and video showings at 9-11 Lombard Street, Belfast on Friday 28th and Sunday 30th of August, and benefit gigs on both Saturday and Sunday.
The Anarchist Federation will be running a stall at the bookfair.
Just visit http://belfastanarchistbookfair09.blogspot.com/ for details of other stalls and events.
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